Manage Your Pharmacy’s Social Media Channels
Focus on content, not switching between accounts with SnapRetail’s social media mangement tool. All your favorite social networks in one powerful interface.
Clinical Content Designed for Your Pharmacy
Always have fresh content to share with your patients with our growing social library and professional stock images. Our clinical content is created by healthcare professionals at the university level and designed to help you market your pharmacy in a social world. SnapRx’s social media post library is just what you need to stay connected with patients online without having to waste hours on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Save Time with the Planning Calendar
When your schedule gets backed up, your social profiles keep moving forward with the SnapRx planning calendar. We make it easy to keep track of the content being shared with your patients on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest in one central place. Use one of our pre-created ideas or create your own.
Streamline Your Pharmacy’s Social Media
When it comes to social media, there is no such thing as oversharing. SnapRx saves you time and money by integrating all of your favorite social media channels into a single, easy-to-use platform. Post to Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest with a single click. Add your favorite Instagram photos and Pinterest Pins to emails and your pharmacy website with one click.