Build Trust. Drive Traffic. See Results.

SNapRx Demo

As the most comprehensive solution for independent pharmacists, SnapRx is your partner in online marketing. We combine email, web and social in one powerful, yet simple tool, so you can reach your customers consistently, create more meaningful connections and compete against big-box pharmacies.

Join us for a live, group webinar. Here’s what to expect during the demo:

  • You’ll learn how the Communications Planning Calendar enables you to plan, execute and track your online marketing activities all from one convenient place
  •  You’ll be blown away by how easy our drag-and-drop editor makes it to build a responsive website and professional emails
  • You’ll see how to get ahead of your social media plan with scheduling capabilities and pre-written posts
  • You’ll get an inside look at our exclusive pharmaceutical content — both promotional and clinical
“SnapRx is the fastest way to reach customers who want to hear from us. The drag-and-drop editor is so easy to use. We can create an email in 15 minutes and get customers into our doors on a rainy day.”
Gary Peck, Owner of Ben Franklin Store and Pharmacy, SnapRx Customer & Value Drug Board Member
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